Male Butt Implants: Are There Butt Implants for Men?
A common question among men who are considering butt implants is: Will my butt look like a woman’s butt with implants?
There is no difference in the buttock augmentation procedure between men and women; however, their aesthetic preferences when it comes to plastic surgery are very different.
You may be interested in butt implant surgery if you feel your back end is too small for your frame and your butt appears more “flat” or “square” than you’d like.
It is possible to get a great-looking butt without surgery or buttock implants, but when the patient has tried everything for shapelier buttocks, including dieting and exercise, and he is still not achieving the desired, a butt implant can be an alternative.
Is butt implant surgery for me?
While squats cannot guarantee you’ll naturally develop gluteal muscles, butt implants can help you achieve those curves with the right size and shape buttock implants. By placing the buttock implants correctly and choosing the right size and shape of the solid silicone implants, you’ll achieve your desired curves.
When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, butt augmentation with implants is a permanent solution. Your gluteal implants will last a lifetime.
Where do buttock implants go?
A person will undergo the male butt implants procedure by having the implant surgically inserted into the gluteal muscles or above it. After that, an incision is made in the buttock crease and the gluteal implants are placed there. After the buttock implants are placed, your butt will appear rounder and fuller. Buttock implants offer the advantage of allowing greater control over the male gluteal augmentation process. With plastic surgery, you can choose the shape and size of the silicone implants.
Would I be a good candidate for buttock augmentation plastic surgery?
If you plan to undergo any kind of plastic surgery, including butt implant surgery, you should consult your doctor first. If you are considering a buttock augmentation plastic implant, you should meet the following criteria:
- Your overall health is good
- Physical activity is part of your lifestyle
- You don’t smoke
- There are realistic expectations about what male butt implants can accomplish for you
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Men of all sizes seek gluteal implants. Despite exercise and weight control, some men are unable to naturally develop gluteal muscles or achieve more youthful-looking buttocks without a gluteal augmentation procedure like male buttock implants. In cases where there is not enough excess fat for fat grafting with a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL, buttocks implants may be recommended for male patients.
It will amaze you to see the before and after pictures of these patients.
The ideal plastic surgery candidate for male Butt Implant Surgery is generally a male in good physical shape who wants more defined buttocks and a better shape to their rear end. Speak with your qualified plastic surgeon about this surgical procedure if you are considering gluteal augmentation.
For male patients seeking buttocks implants, we provide aesthetic plastic surgery options that are tailored to their goals and help them achieve their goal of achieving a natural physical appearance. In addition to being one of the top centers for plastic surgery and health care, VIDA Wellness and Health has dedicated itself to cosmetic surgery research and patient care for over 20 years.
Ready to learn more about whether gluteal implants are right for you?
At VIDA Wellness and Beauty, our mission is to create a pleasant experience for our plastic surgery patients. You can schedule a buttock augmentation plastic surgery appointment with Dr. Bucio to discuss your concerns about your appearance and learn what buttock augmentation treatment is best for you with our Tijuana office or through a virtual consultation.
Please note that this article does not provide medical advice. It is intended to provide general information only. It should not be used in place of professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are seeking a diagnosis or treatment, please consult your primary physician or a specialist. A health emergency should be reported immediately to your doctor or 911 if you suspect you may be experiencing one.