Plastic Surgery in Tijuana: What is a Good Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty in Tijuana: What is a beautiful nose job?

Dr. Juan Carlos Fuentes explains in this interview what he considers to be a beautiful rhinoplasty. Dr. Fuentes has more than 20 years of experience in plastic surgery, he is a board-certified plastic surgeon in México and the United States, and a nationwide expert on Botox and Fillers. To learn more about his expertise, click here: Juan Carlos Fuentes, MD


What Is the healing process for a Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Fuentes:  “When you do the nose surgery, everything is going to swell, it takes time for the swelling to go down, so once you do the surgery, in a week the patient comes back, most of the patients have a tape over the nose, so we take that tape off.  And they can tell once they look at themselves in the mirror that there’s swelling under the skin. A week after the surgery, about 50% of the swelling is gone. In about a month, 70%; in about three months 85%. But most of the patients will need 6 to 12 months before they can see the final result. Most of the change is in the first month, so in the first month, you see more or less how it will look. But looks even better as the time goes by. It’s gonna look better at three months and it’s gonna look better at 6 months.”


What is the Process Before the Rhinoplasty?

First I ask the patients what is their main concern, what they want to change. So they say I wanna change my tip, I wanna change my hump… then I explain to them. In order to do that I need to do this maneuver or this procedure during surgery. But before I go into surgery I need to show them what it is gonna look like, so they have an idea because some patients say “I just want a little bit lifted or I wanna have a little bit of this removed, but I don’t know how much is a little bit. So I take a photo from the front and profile, and then I change the nose on the computer, I send them the modified photo of what I think it can be achieved with the surgery so they can see the virtual before and after, and they have a better idea of how is gonna look like. And then they can tell me “I would like to have it a little lower, or a little more up a little shorter,” this gives me an idea of what the patient is looking for.

Dr. Fuentes is a corresponding member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, as well as an active member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, and the Rhinoplasty Society.  If you would like to learn more you can call us toll-free at 1-619-610-1667 or schedule a virtual consultation here:  Free Virtual Consultation 

More Information About Rhinoplasty

Dr. Alejandro Quiroz

Dr. Quiroz is our board-certified Chief Plastic Surgeon at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Facial Rejuvenation, Neck lift, Buttock Augmentation, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring and more. He is member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, the Mexican Society of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and the Mexican Council of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, to mention a few.