Recovering from Plastic Surgery in Mexico? Here Are Some Tips to Follow

Plastic surgery in Mexico is the ultimate way to finally regain control of your body and confidence with the life-changing treatments you deserve. Nonetheless, you will naturally want to seek clarity regarding a wide range of topics ahead of your appointment, and plastic surgery recovery will be one of the top items on your agenda.

Here at Vida Wellness & Beauty, we don’t merely pride ourselves on providing the best plastic surgery Mexico has to offer. We additionally go the extra mile to ensure you receive the aftercare needed to ensure a full and seedy plastic surgery recovery. 

However, patients should also take responsibility for their post-surgery recoveries by implementing a winning strategy. Here are eight great tips to keep you on track.


Due to the advanced care and safety of plastic surgery in Mexico, many patients feel as though they can jump straight back into their everyday lifestyles. Even when the side effects feel minimal, you must take time to let your body repair itself. Strenuous workouts will increase your blood pressure, which subsequently increases bruising. Avoid it at all costs.

Recovery Boutique Rooms VIDA

(Vida’s Recovery Boutique)

The fact is that you may need to feel worse before you can feel better. Positive sleep patterns will naturally give your body the best chance to rest and recuperate. The relaxed surroundings of our specialized recovery boutique boast both single and double rooms to ensure comfort. Your doctor may provide additional tips, such as keeping body parts raised.

Promote Blood Circulation

While rest and recuperation are essential for the recovery process, you must avoid the trap of staying in bed or on the sofa. It’s imperative that you incorporate regular walking into your schedule, especially in the first 48 to 72 hours, as this will promote improved blood circulation, which will promote improved healing.

Thankfully, our recovery center is located in an area that provides fantastic opportunities to enjoy some of Tijuana’s best horizons and natural backdrops. However, it can be equally rewarding to simply walk around the center once every hour to keep the blood flowing. For the best results, you should avoid smoking at this time too.

Use Compressions

Even when the best plastic surgery Mexico procedures are used, the treatment will cause swelling. Depending on the anatomical area of treatment, wearing a compression for several weeks can help control swelling and prevent skin wrinkling. Tummy tucks, liposuction, and breast augmentations are just some examples where compressions are key.

plastic surgery compression garments

As well as compressions, ice packs are great at reducing the swelling of the site. This is especially true in the first few days following plastic surgery and is regularly used for facelifts and other facial treatments. Even when the body is covered by bandages, applying an ice pack can significantly help manage pain and swelling.

Take Pain Relief

A lot of patients are reluctant to use pain relief unless it is absolutely essential. However, any prescribed medications should be taken as advised to minimize swelling and bruising. The anti-inflammatory properties can speed up the recovery time while also making the recovery process feel more comfortable.

Avoiding the prescribed medications is foolish, but taking un-prescribed medications without speaking to your post-surgery aftercare team would be far worse. Over-the-counter items may thin the blood, which actually has a negative impact on your recovery process. Similarly, herbal remedies are ill-advised unless cleared with your surgery team.

Protect Your Skin

Many of the side effects experienced after plastic surgery Mexico processes will take the form of skin irritation. Therefore, giving your skin some extra TLC during the plastic surgery recovery period will work a world of wonders. First and foremost, you should apply a gentle sunblock serum when heading outside. Make it SPF 30 or above.

Skin irritations will naturally worsen if you allow dirt and debris to cause infection. Therefore, you should cleanse on a regular basis to prevent breakouts or clogging of the pores. However, you must take care to use gentle cleansers and avoid cause irritation during the application processes for added protection.

Drink More Water

Healing from the inside will naturally provide a winning foundation that supports the efforts made to aid the recovery from the outside. While good nutrition and getting the right vitamins will certainly help, increased water consumption is the most important factor by far. It truly is nature’s ultimate healer and should be embraced right away.

When your body is hydrated, it will perform better, which can speed up the recovery. Meanwhile, flushing out toxins from the body improves the speed of repair. The fact that it will actively promote glowing skin is great for your mental wellbeing as well as the physical recovery, especially as the benefits of surgery will appear far sooner.

Avoid Sudden Movements

Some treatments take a bigger toll on the body than others, and will consequently require extra care in the plastic surgery recovery processes. This could mean bracing yourself for sudden movements, such as coughing or sneezing, as doing them too powerfully could cause wounds to reopen or place extra strain on areas where incisions were made.

Sudden movements can also result in catching your body on furniture. Whether it’s pressing on a bruise or causing bleeding, these negative impacts will significantly slow your recovery. In severe cases, it may even limit the success seen from the treatment. Therefore, it’s best to take things easy and be conscious about your movements.

Be Consistent And Clear

In truth, the commitment to transparency and working with your plastic surgeon should start before your treatment. This includes telling the expert about any previous surgeries you’ve had, including those in other parts of the body. The information may influence the care taken during and after the surgery. You’ll also want to make sure to tell your Doctor or his / her staff whether you’re driving or flying back home after surgery. This may influence different recovery suggestions. 

Crucially, consistency must be implemented throughout every aspect of plastic surgery recovery. The body is recovering on a 24/7 basis, so you cannot afford to undo the excellent work done over the course of 20 hours with a bad four hours. Right now, a full and speedy recovery should be the only thing on your mind. Keep this in mind, and you won’t go wrong.

To learn more about how you can promote a faster plastic surgery recovery, including pre-treatment preparations, give our friendly team a call on (619) 738-2144 today!

Dr. Alejandro Quiroz

Dr. Quiroz is our board-certified Chief Plastic Surgeon at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Facial Rejuvenation, Neck lift, Buttock Augmentation, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring and more. He is member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, the Mexican Society of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and the Mexican Council of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, to mention a few.