What Is a 360 Body Lift?

A 360 body lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that tightens the skin and removes excess fat and excess sagging skin from the abdomen, flanks, back, hips, and buttocks. A body lift surgery can be performed alone or along with other body contouring procedures, like a breast lift or tummy tuck to tighten abdominal muscles as well as remove stretch marks.

360 body lift surgery mexico

A 360 body lift is typically performed to remove areas of excess fat and skin after a patient has undergone significant weight loss. This extra weight loss could result from a weight loss surgery or maybe the result of diet and exercise. At VIDA Wellness and Beauty, our skilled body lift plastic surgeons can perform this surgery to impact your body positively and tighten your form and get you into the shape you’ve always dreamed of!

What Are the Main Target Areas of 360 Body Lifts?

A 360 body lift tightens loose skin to give you a smoother appearance. A body lift can address various areas depending on what excess fat and hanging skin remaining after extreme weight loss through dieting, exercising, or weight loss surgery/bariatric surgery. The following areas are the ones typically targeted with a 360 body lift are:

  • Lower abdomen
  • Lower back/flank
  • Hips/buttocks
  • Thighs

Lower Abdomen 

One of the more popular areas for this surgery, the lower abdomen procedure, is a “tummy tuck,” which encircles the entire waist area. It decreases the waistline and also minimizes the appearance of stretch marks. This 360 body lift tummy tuck can also be coupled with a breast lift to remove excess skin around your chest area.

Lower back/flank

The lower back procedure in a body lift involves the removal of excess skin and stubborn fat from the lower back and couples it with the elevation of the buttocks. This area also has a lot of excess skin and fat from the flank (space between the oblique and lower back muscles) tightened for a smoother appearance.


The hip/buttocks area is where many people, especially women, store extra fat. The 360 body lift procedure for this area can tackle both the hip and buttocks for a more toned and tightened appearance. The hips/buttocks procedure tightens the muscles of the buttocks and smooths out any irregularities or fat folds.


This thigh area can be targeted as a standalone procedure or incorporated into additional body lift procedures such as a more extensive body contouring surgery. With the thighs, the area is tightened up, and excess fat and skin are removed to streamline the thigh and leg area.

Am I a Good Candidate to Remove Excess Skin with a 360 Body Lift Procedure?

Body lift 360 is an excellent procedure for those who have seen massive weight loss after changing to a healthy lifestyle but want to tighten up the remaining excess skin. If you are at a healthy weight, this body contouring surgery can be an excellent way to streamline your figure and help you get rid of flabby areas left behind from a diet or weight loss program.

What Should I Expect During My Body Lift Surgery?

The 360 body lift procedure is an outpatient surgery, meaning that you can go home the same day. However, while you can go home after your surgery, we highly recommend one night stay either in a surgery center or hospital to ensure proper healing and recovery.

During your body lift surgery, your skilled plastic surgeon will excise excess skin from multiple areas of your body. The incisions are designed to reduce visible scarring over time by creating a pattern that resembles a grid or web-like appearance. Once the skin and tissues have been pulled taut and stitched up, they will be left with no loose or hanging skin at all — only a smooth layer of regenerated tissue.

What Are the Body Lift Recovery & Post-Operative Instructions?

Expect some soreness and bruising at first as you recover from this type of body contouring surgery. After a body lift, you can expect to take some time off of work or school—typically seven days at minimum, but each situation is different, and you will know what works best for your lifestyle.

After the body lift initial recovery phase, you may notice that although you are more toned and tight, your skin will still be wrinkled or loose in some areas. This is normal since it takes at least six months to a year before your new tissues become stabilized with little risk of shifting. 

After undergoing this type of body contouring surgery, it is always best to maintain a healthy lifestyle of dieting and exercise so as not to put weight back on and loosen up the newly tightened skin even more!

360 Body Lift to Reduce Loose Skin and Excess Fat with VIDA Wellness & Beauty

If you are interested in body lift surgery, make sure that you find a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in body contouring procedures. When you choose a plastic surgeon at VIDA Wellness & Beauty, you know you are going with the best expert for your body lift. Our surgeons will discuss all of your body lift surgery options and find the best body contouring treatment tailored specifically for you.

Click below or on the top of this page to schedule your free virtual consultation!

Francisco Bucio

Dr. Francisco Bucio - Is a board-certified Plastic Surgeon at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Plastic, Cosmetic, and Reconstructive Surgery. He has wide experience in Liposculpture, Breast Augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Make Over, and more. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the Mexican Asociation for Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, to name a few. He is also certified by the Mexican Council for Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery.