Tattoo Removal Methods | VIDA

Can Tattoos Be Removed Completely?

Did you get a tattoo a few years back that doesn’t fit your style anymore? While getting a tattoo before was a pretty permanent deal, things are not so black and white anymore. New technologies are making it easier to remove unwanted ink from the body without scarring or breaking the bank.

Tattoo removal: Where to start?

Before experimenting with any tattoo removal methods, you need a consultation with a cosmetic dermatologist, such as Dr. Alberto de la Fuente García. During this appointment, the physician will assess the ink colors and measure the size and the position of the tattoo. Additionally, your doctor should evaluate your skin type, this way the procedure will be more personalized and therefore more effective.

Once your doctor has assessed your personal needs, he will be able to determine how many sessions will be needed to remove your tattoo. Since we want our patients to make informed decisions, at VIDA, we offer a free of charge one-to-one consultation with our Dermatologist.

How does tattoo removal work?

A quick search on the internet will give you several tattoo removal methods: from homemade creams, that are not effective, to cheap tattoo removal procedures, that are a bit shady on the details on how they work and what results you can expect. However, one tattoo removal method that is consistent is the use of laser treatments.

At VIDA, we use a Q-switched laser for this type of procedures. The difference between a Q-switched laser and the rest is the speed of the laser and the effectiveness in the procedure. Q-switched lasers are used in cosmetic medicine to remove tattoos, brown spots, and sun freckles. They lasers work by releasing ultra-short, high-energy pulses into the skin. The laser only lasts for mere nanoseconds, so it is able to shatter the tattoo ink without damaging the skin. As the laser goes into the skin, the light is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, which heat up and shatter into smaller ink. In the days and weeks following the procedure, your body’s immune system will naturally absorb and eliminate the particles.

How will my body react to tattoo removal methods?

There is no way around it: tattoo removal is painful. It can be a lengthy process, but there are ways to make it more tolerable. For example, the laser used in VIDA’s Medi Spa directs a stream of high-cold air to the area during the procedure. This can greatly reduce the discomfort caused by the heat of the laser. In addition, the staff at VIDA can anesthetize the area locally to help with any pain.

Possible side effects of tattoo removal include extra sensitivity to the skin and a mild to moderate topical discomfort. Be careful with your skin, think of treating it as if you were treating a sunburn. Don’t expose it to the sun, don’t scratch it and if possible, and apply an ice-cold package to the area.

Given the medical advances and the Q-switched laser technology, scarring is minimal or non-existent in most cases. Since the laser changes wavelength so quickly, the tissue around the tattoo remains unharmed. However, mild scarring can occur, if this is the case try to drink plenty of water, get enough sleep each night and quit cigarettes, these actions will boost your natural immune system and help the skin repairing process. Once your skin has healed, you can opt for over-the-counter Vitamin E patches or Almond oil to hydrate the skin.

Tattoo removal: Before and After

tattoo removal in tijuana

They say a photograph is worth 1000 words and when it comes to tattoo removal results, they must be right! Below you can see a patient of Dr. De La Fuente after his sessions with the Q-switched laser. As you can see, there is no sign of scarring, and the tattoo is practically gone!

To schedule a free of charge consultation with our cosmetic dermatologists and learn more about tattoo removal methods, contact VIDA Wellness and Beauty by calling 619-738-2144 (toll-free) now.


Dr. Alejandro Quiroz

Dr. Quiroz is our board-certified Chief Plastic Surgeon at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Facial Rejuvenation, Neck lift, Buttock Augmentation, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring and more. He is member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, the Mexican Society of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and the Mexican Council of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, to mention a few.